Day school and part-time Jewish education students in grades 5-11 from all over Canada are eligible to participate. Many schools formally participate as a school so please check with your school about participation. Students not enrolled in Jewish day school or attending a school that does not formally participate may also register as independent students.
Participants are given a list of Bible chapters to study. Chapters are announced in the summer before a test year.
Please click here to view the English and Hebrew Chapter list for studying.
The Test
The regional test consists of 100 multiple-choice questions for grades 9-11 students, 75 questions for grades 7-8 and 50 questions for grades 5 -6.
Regional Competition
The Regional competition takes place in each city and students are divided into divisions according to their grade to write a multiple choice test. The top scoring students from the Regional competitions will be invited to participate in the National competition.
National Competition
The top scoring students will continue to the National competition, which is held on alternating years in either Toronto or Montreal in early May. There are 4 rounds of competition beginning on the Sunday evening with a multiple choice test followed by a short answer test on Monday. Top students move onto the semi-final and final rounds. The top scoring high school students in the final round are invited to go to Israel the following year to represent Canada in the International Chidon competition.
International Competition
The 56th World Bible Quiz for Jewish Youth was held this year on the theme of “Maintaining Unity and Uniqueness.”
This year 72 contestants, from 41 countries on 5 continents, participated in the World Bible Quiz in 17 languages.
Every year thousands of youngsters, aged 14-18, study for the Bible quiz in
their own countries, many of them spending months on end preparing for the
Every year dozens of representatives from Jewish communities around the
world come to Israel for two weeks to participate in a fun, intensive and
unique Bible Camp. This is an educational and social camp, where we learn
about and emphasize the Bible, Eretz Yisrael, Jewish communities around the
world, young Jewish leadership and other ethical and educational topics. The
highlight of the Bible Camp is the World Bible Quiz for Jewish Youth, which is
broadcast on Israel television on Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzma’ut).
The Quiz increases the number of Jewish Bible students in Israel and the Diaspora, strengthens their love for Israel, adds a spiritual aspect to Independence Day and encourages educational interaction between Jewish youngsters from Israel and around the world. In cooperation with the Israeli Ministry of Education and other organizations, the Jewish Agency promotes the World Bible Quiz for Jewish Youth among Jewish communities around the world and coordinates the participation of youngsters in the Quiz.
For more information about the International Chidon in Israel Click Here